The World's Leader in Soil Stabilization

Non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-flammable, non-allergenic.

RTX-88 Liquid Soil Sealant Dust & Erosion Control

A brand new product from years of research and development, RTX-88 promises to improve existing rural, low-cost road construction. It is non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-flammable and non-allergenic.

RTX-88 can be used:

  • as a sealer on existing road bases
  • for full base stabilization
  • or in combination with RTX-300 to construct strong, weatherproof, sealed roads at VERY LOW COST

RTX-88 is a unique liquid soil stabilizer, applied using standard road equipment and suitable for virtually all soil types.

RTX-300 Maximum Strength Liquid Stabilizer & Soil Strengthener

A unique liquid soil stabilizer applied using standard road equipment, RTX-300 is suitable for virtually all soil types.

RTX-300 is a liquid stabilizer and soil strengthener, used to build durable, virtually weatherproof unpaved roads and exceptionally strong, long lasting bases for paved roads.

RTX-300 is a unique blend of multi-purpose chemicals that, when properly applied, promotes a dense, chemically bonded compaction of the soil and a harder, water resistant base.